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50% of Purchase Price deposit is required to reserve a goat.  See SALES CONTRACT for more details.

We are often asked about the basis of our pricing, because some goats are more expensive than others. We are a high-quality breeding farm and utilize the following characteristics to determine pricing. 


We specialize in Purebred Nigerian Dwarf goats (and do not offer any percentage goats).  Purebred Nigerian Dwarf goats are more expensive to acquire than percentage goats; therefore, they are worth substantially more to most breeders. Registration for each goat is labor intensive and requires additional funding which demands higher prices.  And because of this we charge more for Purebred Nigerian Dwarf goats that have been registered.  Goats that have registration papers, breeders can be assured of the genetics of the goat they are purchasing and utilize this information to market their own farm. 

Although most of our goats are registered, we do occasionally offer “pet” goats that are not registered.  We do keep excellent records and know which kid belongs to which sire/dam; however, these goats may not meet our high standards to become registered breeders.  These goats are offered at a lower price. 


  • Birth Weight:  We weigh each kid at 24 hours old to determine birth weight.  We evaluate each kid’s birth weight in a litter and in a comparable group (born within 30 days).  Consistency within the litter is preferred and within the comparable group we evaluate which kids had to the highest to lowest birth weight.  Also, singles versus twins/triplets are taken into consideration since multiple kids’ birth weights will vary.  Birth weight is shown on the website as “BW.” 

  • Birth-Rear Rankings: The first number indicates how many kids were in the litter and the second indicate how many were reared by the dam.  For example: 2-1 indicates a twin reared as a single.  Since growth in kids is limited by the dam’s milk production, we compare kids with the same birth-rear status.  We prefer a birth-rear ranking to be the same (ex: 2-2, 3-3, etc.).  A doe that singles more than once is typically removed from our herd since multiple births are preferred.  Birth-rear ranking is shown on the website as “REAR.” 

  • 90-Day Weight:  The 90-day weight is utilized along with the birth weight to determine performance. This provides a baseline on how well the kid performed within the first 90 days.  Adjusted weights are corrected for first-time mothers and varied birth-rear rankings.  90-day weight is shown on the website as “90W” and will reflect the actual weight and the adjusted weight.

  • 90-Day Ratio/Index:  The index is a comparison of the kid’s adjusted 90-day weight within the comparable group.  A 100 index means the goat is average.  An 85 index means it was 85% of the average and a 120 index means it is 120% of the average.  The ratio/index shown on the website as “RATIO.”



  • Linear Appraisal:  We utilize Linear Appraisal by the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA).  For more details, go to – Linear Appraisal Program. 

  • Height: Does stand no more than 22.5” and the bucks no more than 23.5” at the withers. 

  • Horns:  Disbudded or polled.

  • Eyes:  Eyes should be bright, clear and alert.  Some eye colors are preferred depending upon demand, and generally blue-colored eyes are a sought-after color. 

  • Hooves:  Black-colored hooves are generally harder than white and are the preferred color.

  • Skin/Coat:  Skin should be healthy, smooth and firm.  The coat can vary from short to very thick.  Coat color varies with moonspots being the preferred color/style.



  • Bucks - Scrotal Circumference:  Bucks’ scrotum should be in proportion to the age of the buck with equal size and shape of both testicles.  Both testicles should be smooth and free of lumps.  Bigger testicles are associated with increased breeding ability, and with higher fertility in female offspring.  

  • Does – Vulva and Udder:  Does should have a vulva in proportion to the age of the doe without any deformities.  The udder should also be in proportion to the age of the doe with two teats of equal size and shape. 



  • Sire Performance History:  The past performance of the sire is evaluated.  We look at past kids’ growth rate (BW, 90W and future growth), overall health and vitality, twinning rate, conformation and color.

  • Dam Performance History:  The past performance of a goat’s dam is very important, especially for herd sires. We look closely at her udder and mothering ability, the size of her kids at weaning, and her twinning rate. A second singling by a dam, or a first singling if there is a family history of singling, results in heavy price discounting of her female offspring, and culling of her male offspring.



  • An older goat will be priced lower than a younger one.The goat still has productive years left, but not as many as a younger one.






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