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Our goats have the following bloodlines. These bloodlines are original 100% New Zeland bloodlines.  We have strived to acquire the best bloodlines in our herd so we can provide the best to our customers.



Goatex Goliath Was A Giant Among Kiko Imports
By Craig Adams

Goatex Goliath was imported by Waysu Farms in Georgia. Goliath was a very large, white buck that produced several of the older great Kiko does. The most popular bucks Goliath sired were Keeper and Goliath’s Imprint. Some of the early Kiko breeders told me that Goliath was probably the largest Kiko buck imported into the U.S.

I didn’t get the opportunity to see Goliath, but I did see Keeper. Keeper was very impressive and probably one of the best-looking Kiko bucks I’ve seen in the breed. Keeper got his name because he was considered to be the best replacement for Goliath at Waysu Farms. Keeper was also out of Goatex Gesture, an import doe that Waysu Farms considered their best producer.

The Goliath bloodline is known for large growth goats with fast rate gains. The parasite resistance in the Goliath bloodline was in the middle of the scale.

We won the 2009 Western Maryland Buck Test with #903, a Keeper grandson. #903 had the best average daily gain of the entire test, and his parasite resistance was good, but not at the top. I think the Goliath bloodline would cross great with Teminator or Tasman Zorro bloodlines. Adding Goliath genetics would be an improvement to most Kiko herds in the U.S., and may help in the forage-based buck tests as it has in our herd.



Aristocrat Provided Bone Structure, Parasite Resistance

By Craig Adams

Araroa Aristocrat was the original buck in New Zealand that the Aristocrat bloodline started from in the U.S. Some of the most famous bucks in the Aristocrat bloodline were JTV Klondike, JTV Aladin and Tasman Aristocrat. I had the privilege to see Tasman Aristocrat and Klondike. Tasman Aristocrat was originally owned by Waysu Farms in Georgia. Klondike and his full brother Aladin were imported as embryos by JTV Farms in Texas.

I was very impressed with both of these great bucks. Klondike and Tasman Aristocrat were very similar. They were white bucks with moderate frame size and above average on parasite resistance. The two bucks had great muscle expression and had a heavier bone structure than most Kikos. I think the bone structure is something all Kiko breeders should be paying closer attention to. I think the Kiko goats have been getting to fine-boned in the last few years. Kiko breeders should try to breed more bone structure in their herds.

Two of the most prolific imported Kiko does are daughters of Araroa Aristocrat - Tasman Toia and Seventrees Sandalwood. These two famous does have raised many great bucks in the Kiko breed. Some of our best New Zealand does have been daughters and granddaughters of Klondike and Tasman Aristocrat.

In 2010 we had a buck come in 1st place in the Western Maryland buck test. This buck was out of a purebred daughter of Tasman Aristocrat and Raiz-n-Kane, the best Loverboy son I've been around in the Kiko breed. Another great success story in the Aristocrat bloodline is a buck by the name of Mr. Speckles. Mr. Speckles is owned by Wes and Bev Pinneo of B-Bar-W Kikos in Kansas. Mr. Speckles is a grandson of Tasman Aristocrat and a grandson of Loverboy on his dam's side. Mr. Speckles has had three bucks tied for 1st place and several others in the top 5 of the Oklahoma buck test. This kind of performance is remarkable!

The only other buck in Kiko history I can remember with that kind of success at the buck tests is Lightnin. That's two great cases of the Aristocrat bloodline, and the Moneymaker bloodline (Loverboy) being a great cross and a huge success at the buck test. So maybe the Aristocrat bloodline is a missing ingredient to Kiko breeders' herds?



Terminator Bloodline Known For Hardiness
By Craig Adams

Goatex Terminator was imported by Southwest Livestock Resources in Texas.  There weren’t many goats registered out of the Terminator bloodline, but the ones that were are exceptionally good. The only two bucks that I know of were Southwest Cisco and Terminator II.Southwest Cisco was originally owned By BBM Kikos in Georgia. Cisco was a solid red buck that produced great bucks like ECR Rusty and BBM Dale. Terminator II was originally owned by JT Farms in Georgia.Terminator II was a black buck that produced great bucks likeWild Bill and Turbo.

The early Kiko breeders always told me that the Terminator bloodline was the toughest, most hearty bloodline in the Kiko breed.Several of the early Kiko breeders like to keep replacement does from the Terminator bloodline for their great mothering ability.We have just started to add this bloodline to our own herd, and are really happy with the impact it has made.

We will be putting these genetics from our herd in the buck test to see how they compare to other bucks. One of the best Kiko does we have owned was a daughter of Southwest Cisco. ECR P77 was raised at Eygpt Creek Ranch and was an awesome producer in our herd. I think the Terminator bloodline would mix well with any other Kiko bloodline.The Terminator bloodline would make an improvement on most all Kiko breeders’ herds and will add some good old fashion toughness.


Loverboy Provided Meat and Thickness

Loverboy was probably the only Moneymaker son to challenge the popularity and impact of Nick.  Loverboy's mother was Seventrees Sandalwood, who was also Nick's grandmother.   Loverboy puts the meat and thickness.  Sunboy 117 (Lover Boy) was the sire of the 1st and 2nd highest selling goats at the 2009 Showcase Sale.




















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